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Sportshall provides an enjoyable way for young people to enjoy running, jumping and throwing activities as they take their first steps into athletics. Shrewsbury AC will take athletes from the Under 11, Under 13 and Under 15 age groups into competition. The age groups are taken at the 1st September prior to the winter season. The programme emphasises the importance of team competition, fair play and then fact that taking part and trying your hardest is more important than winning. It provides an opportunity for young athletes to train and compete indoors during the winter months.

For Shropshire athletes there is competition at County, Regional and national level.

2024 season dates and venues 

Sunday 17th Nov 2024 -Host TBC
Sunday 1st Dec 2024 - Host TBC 
Sunday 12th Jan 2025 - Host Wrekin TBC
Sunday 2nd March 2025 - Host Oswestry Saturday 18th Jan - Shropshire County Championships 
Sunday 2nd Feb 2025 Regional (This is a confirmed date and will be held in North Soilhull Sportshall)

Why Compete?

- As a member of the Club you will train hard and the competition is where you are able to put all that work into practice – pitting yourself against other athletes and aiming to set a personal best mark

- In the competition your Club needs as many athletes as possible taking part to get the maximum number of points for the team

- You will also enjoy te camaraderie of your teammates

Kati Hulme with her Wenlock Games high jump gold medalOne of our Club member’s (Kati Hulme) has told us why she takes part in Sportshall.

“I take part in the sportshall competitions for a variety if reasons. Yes it’s fun and yes I want to win but there are many more reasons why.

What do you do on a Sunday? Have a lie in? Watch a film? Have a pyjama day? On most Sunday’s I do the same, but when I get an invite to go to the sportshall competitions I want to do it. I always say yes. But you may be thinking why give up your day for relaxing to go to an indoor athletics competition? I do this for my club. If everyone said no then who would represent the club? In fact what would be the point in the club? I know only a few people who will always try to come to these sportshall events. Whether they are good or bad, they still turn up.

Doing these sportshall competitions keeps your fitness up. yes you may only do one event but you’re still exercising. By doing any event in the competition like 2 laps, 2 lap hurdles, shot put, long jump etc. you will increase your chance of finding your best event quicker. You can be entered in at least 2 events and a relay.

It took me a long time to find my best event. I tried so many different ones like hurdles, long distance an javelin. But by doing sportshall competitions it was easier to find it. Every time you enter you get points for your club. So even if your club has come last then you will still know that you helped and gave it your best shot.

You compete against many other clubs such as Wenlock Olympians and Bridgnorth. You will see the same people over and over again from any of the clubs who may be in the event/s that you are doing. This gives you a great chance of making new friends. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a different club, you’re still doing the same things.”

If you want to compete

Go to the Join Us page to find out how to join Shrewsbury AC

Already a member? Follow this link to contact a Team Manager to let them know you want to compete.

For more information – use the enquiry form.

You can also get more information from your Coach