The 'Best Performances' in Fell Races is now available here and on the Fell & Trail page 2018 saw an improvement in some of the All Time Best Performances and some new names added to the list. Inclusion in the rankings is open to all fully paid up Club members. The Best Performer in each race is decided by the club member who finishes 1st in the given category. So a masters athlete can win their age group and their gender group if they are the 1st home.
2018 saw 15 club members competing on the Fells, a mix of regular performers and newcomers to this discipline. Trophies will be presented at the Club Presentation event on Friday 1st February to the following:
Best Female U19 - Bethany Pinches
Best Female - Gill Evans
Best Veteran Female - Gill Evans
Best Male U23 - Connor Middleton
Best Male - Scott Hall
In the Veteran Male category 4 athletes tied on 2 best performances each, so it's been decided to award trophies for each of the 4 age groups.
Best Veteran M45 - Andrew Birch
Best Veteran M50 - Kevin Francis
Best Veteran M55 - Haydn Jones
Best Veteran M65 - Gordon Trevor
Kudos goes to the athletes who gained or improved the All-Time Best performances
Bethany Pinches - Stiperstones Fell Race
Gill Evans - Batch Bash
Jo Dean - Pontesbury Earls Hill
Connor Middleton - Wrekin Wrecker and Cardington Cracker
Scott Hall - Wrekin Wrecker and Mortimer Forest
Andrew Birch - Wrekin Wrecker
Kev Francis - Time Trial
The other club members who competed on the fells were: Simon Cole, Alan Dean, James Hickinbottom, Andy Lewis, Gabe Morris, Sara Willhoit.